
Our Business: Producing specialties for the rubber industry and niche industrial sectors

With over 80 years of expertise in carbon disulfide, phenol and hydrazine hydrate chemistry, MLPC is a leader in various industrial sectors:

Whatever your industry, we can support your CSR objectives. 

We are always ready to listen proactively to your needs, our commitment is to provide you with sustainable solutions. 

Our R&D and Technical Support teams, as well as our Market Managers, are available to understand and meet your expectations.

In terms of service, a sales team is at your disposal to meet your requests.

Our chemistry

MLPC is specialized in the chemistry of sulfur derivatives

MLPC est spécialisée dans la chimie des dérivés soufrés
  • The Lesgor site uses carbon disulfide and various amines to produce isothiocyanates for agrochemical application, as well as thiurams, thiocarbamates and thioureas for usages mainly in rubber transformation, but also in specific fields such as metal surface treatment, coatings, PVC stabilizers...


  • The Rion des Landes site focuses on phenol chemistry and offers active ingredients for the production of rubber/substrate adhesives. We also have a workshop for mixing vulcanizing agents on polymeric supports for industrial rubber and tire applications.

Our strategy

MLPC is an industrial chemical company, subsidiary of Arkema which mainly offers additives for the rubber market and specialty niche chemicals, in synergy with our technologies and industrial assets.

It evolves in partnership with the specialists of the targeted markets.

> Our CUSTOMERS can expect from us :

  • A high level of quality of products and services
  • A Technical support in our rubber core business
  • A R&D enabling us to market regularly new products to meet evolving technical requirements and environmental issues

> Committed and supportive and aware of the challenges of Sustainable Development, MLPC EMPLOYEES work to provide to :

  • A safe and adequate workplace
  • Economic results to provide further investment
  • Reliable and cost-efficient production processes
  • Respectful relationships based on teamwork and open dialog
  • Smart management of priorities

> As a RESPONSIBLE PRODUCER of chemicals, MLPC is committed to a proactive and durable improvement plan, with the goal to:


Analyze and control all risks and their impacts in order to protect all our employees and external stakeholders, and to protect the environment against any accident that may occur during operations.

Prevent all risks and their impacts that could affect all those with whom MLPC cooperates.


Anticipating and complying with new applicable regulations, Arkema requirements and working towards a more environmentally friendly production


Capitalize on opportunities and feedback from experience in a process of continuous improvement.


General Manager


MLPC has long experience in the development of new products, drawing on its know-how in sulfur derivatives

In addition to the products in our EkalandTM basic range, we are able to supply samples, from the laboratory to the pilot phase, to the rubber industry, including non-nitrosamine-generating agents (NAF), agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, wood treatment, bonding agents, surface treatment, water treatment, etc.

MLPC is also a world leader in the manufacture of high-quality pre-dispersed products on polymeric substrates (Mixland+® range) for the rubber industry.

  • Our development

Thanks to its laboratories, MLPC offers its customers a supportive and attentive service:

  • Applications laboratory: adapting our products to end-users' needs, studying compatibility and the best vulcanisation system solutions.
  • R&D laboratory: improving our processes and developing new molecules.
  • Quality and Environmental Control laboratory: ensuring the quality of analyses and compliance with regulatory and environmental requirements.

In addition, MLPC benefits from the support of Arkema's R&D centers.


We look forward to developing new partnerships with our customers, so that we can grow our business together.

Our history

Although the company's origins date back to 1926, when the "Société Landaise de Produits Chimiques" was founded, exploiting charcoal, tar and pyroligneous from pine trees from Les Landes, it was only in 1933 that the "Manufacture Landaise de Produits Chimiques" was created, whose name officially became MLPC International in 1998.

Listed on the stock exchange in 1944, the company began developing the manufacture of paints from light oils in 1945, followed by rosin oils, and the first chemical for the rubber industry appeared in 1949.

The facilities at the Rion des Landes site were becoming insufficient to meet business needs, and a new production site, Lesgor, was created in 1955. In 1966, carbonization activities were discontinued, replaced by the launch of new products for the rubber industry and specialty chemistry (thioureas).

In 1995, MLPC International took over the carbazide business of the German company Degussa, and in 2000 started up the new predispersed production plant.

Elf Atochem acquired a stake in MLPC International in 1984, becoming the majority shareholder (67.2%) in 1989. In 2006, MLPC International became a 100% subsidiary of the Arkema group.

  • Notre histoire